spiritual Activism

Compassion in Action is the key to our mission to be an inclusive community for intentional living and unconditional love. We actively promote peace, compassion, inclusion, empowerment, and equality in our community by collaborating with numerous local non-profits and faith groups. Below are some of our activities and our partners in creating a 'beloved community' in Napa Valley and beyond. 

compassion in action PROJECTS


Addressing food Insecurity with Feeding it Forward

Addressing food Insecurity with NV CanDo Green Bags 

Addressing food Insecurity with the CANV Food Bank

Embracing Inclusivity with LGBTQ Connection 

Addressing Equality and Belonging with Puertas Abiertas Community Resource Center

Compassion and Creating a Beloved Community with the Annual MLK Commemoration

Compassion and Creating a Beloved Community with the Annual MLK Day of Service

Environmental Action with the Napa WIldlife Rescure and the Napa County Resource Consevation District

Equal Rights with Women's Marches
and Forums

Honoring All Faiths and Cultures with the NV Interfaith Council Forums

Honoring All Faiths and Cultures with the Suscol Intertribal Council

Honoring All Faiths and Cultures with Napa Valley Interfaith Events

Classes, Workshops, and Services to Empower and Inpsire Participants 

Promoting Acceptance, and Respect with Pro- Inclusion Napa

Earth Awareness with the Celebration of Equinoxes and Solstices

Empowering local and international LatinX Individuals with Streamed Classes, Workshops and Services in Spanish

Partnering with CRUSH MS
Multiple Scolorosis Fundraiser for support and medical research.

More Collaborating  Partners:
Aldea Children and Family Services
Cope Family Center
If Given a Chance
Mentis Teen Connect
Napa Valley Community Housing
Napa Wildlife Rescue
Serenity Homes of  Napa
VOICES Youth Programs