2024 SIP + SAVOR

Saturday, May 4, 3:00 - 6:00 PM

The annual Sip + Savor celebration honors local heroes with the Compassionate Heart Awards. Premium wine tastings, savory bites, and live and silent auctions highlight this festive event. Proceeds will benefit the Napa Valley Center for Spiritual Living’s efforts to actively promote peace, compassion, inclusion, empowerment, and equality in our community and our collaboration with numerous local non-profits. Link to a list of Compassion in Action projects and collaborating organizations.    https://tinyurl.com/NVLoveaction

How can you support this cause?  

Donate wine, fine art and jewelry, gift cards for restaurants/services,  and vacation trips to include in the auction  Donation Form:  https://tinyurl.com/NVCSLSIPdonation 

Invite wineries pour or donate wine:  https://tinyurl.com/NVCSLSIPdonation 

Be an individual or business Sponsor  https://tinyurl.com/NVCSLSIPdonation 

Volunteer for the event

Attend the event
ticket link:https://tinyurl.com/SIPSAVOR24