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What to Expect
What You Won’t Find Here:
Judgment – Dogma – Fear
What you Will Find Here:
Love – Empowerment – Connection
welcome seekers!
IT's Different Here!
IT's Different Here!
Thank you for checking out our website and considering visiting us in person. When you walk into one of our services, it might appear as any other church and we offer a unique experience. We are a breath of fresh air for those who have had unsatisfying experiences in other religions or for those who are spiritual and seeking a community and a deeper experience. Many are surprised to discover a center with beliefs like theirs here in Napa.
There are over 400 Centers for Spiritual Living around the U.S., Mexico, Canada, Latin America, and other contitents and islands. As our name suggests, we are more Spiritual, than religious. We have numerous events, classes, and community service activities that go beyond Sunday services. We seek practical applications of Spiritual principles to do our part in making the world a place that works for everyone.
What We Believe
ONENESS - There is one infinite reality. We call it many names, including but not limited to God, life, universal spirit, infinite intelligence, first cause, or the thing itself. This one infinite reality is undivided, complete, and whole within itself. Since this oneness has no gender nor physical form, we often refer to this Divine presence as ‘Spirit’ or just ‘it’, rather than ‘he’ or ‘she’. It is not in any particular place and yet is everywhere and in everyone. We are connected in oneness by Spirit because it is within each of us and all in life. We believe that Spirit is personal to all who seek to feel this indwelling presence.
SPIRITUAL BEINGS- We are all spiritual beings having human experiences. The more we align with our spiritual or ‘soul’ nature, the more we are able to be on purpose and make a difference in the world.
WHOLENESS - We believe every person is a whole and complete expression of the Divine. There is nothing missing nor nothing that needs to be fixed. We make choices in our lives that are either life-affirming or life-denying and healthy or unhealthy. When we integrate our body, mind, heart, and soul, we are more likely to make choices that are life-affirming and healthy.
CREATING A LIFE OF OUR CHOOSING - We can use our intentional thoughts and feelings to create our experiences. Although we may not be able to control all of our circumstances, we can choose our responses. When we choose to be grateful and open and we affirm the experiences we seek, we can enjoy peace, contentment, and abundance in our life. We believe that there is a power in the universe, known by many names, that supports and guides us to create the life of our choosing.
More on What We Believe -Spiritual Principles
More on Spiritual Tools We Practice